


Placements | HackerRank

Write a query to output the names of those students whose best friends got offered a higher salary than them.



You are given three tables: Students, Friends and Packages. Students contains two columns: ID and Name. Friends contains two columns: ID and Friend_ID (ID of the ONLY best friend). Packages contains two columns: ID and Salary (offered salary in $ thousands per month).

Write a query to output the names of those students whose best friends got offered a higher salary than them. Names must be ordered by the salary amount offered to the best friends. It is guaranteed that no two students got same salary offer.

Sample Input


  • Samantha's best friend got offered a higher salary than her at 11.55
  • Julia's best friend got offered a higher salary than her at 12.12
  • Scarlet's best friend got offered a higher salary than her at 15.2
  • Ashley's best friend did NOT get offered a higher salary than her

The name output, when ordered by the salary offered to their friends, will be:

  • Samantha
  • Julia
  • Scarlet


[My Answer]

FROM students A
  inner join 
  friends B on A.id = B.id
  inner join 
  packages C on A.id = C.id
  inner join 
  packages D on B.friend_id = D.id 
WHERE C.salary < D.salary
ORDER BY D.salary

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